How To Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Curious about how to take the lead in the bedroom? These 21 women spill the beans on their go-to moves for initiating intimacy. From subtle gestures to bold actions, their secrets cover a wide range of approaches. Whether you're looking to spice things up or simply want to feel more confident in the bedroom, these tips are sure to inspire. Check out the full list of secrets at this website and get ready to take your intimacy game to the next level!

When it comes to initiating sex, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Every person has their own unique way of expressing their desire for intimacy. In this article, we'll explore how 21 different women initiate sex, and provide some insights for those looking to spice up their own sex lives.

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Using Verbal Cues

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For some women, initiating sex starts with the use of verbal cues. This can be as straightforward as saying "I want you" or "I need you" in a sultry tone. Others may use more subtle hints, such as complimenting their partner's appearance or expressing appreciation for something they've done. Verbal cues can be especially effective for setting the mood and letting your partner know that you're in the mood for some intimacy.

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Physical Touch

Physical touch is another common way that women initiate sex. This can range from simple gestures like holding hands or cuddling, to more direct actions like initiating a passionate kiss or giving a sensual massage. Physical touch can be a powerful way to convey desire and create a sense of intimacy, making it a popular choice for many women.


Flirting is a playful and fun way to initiate sex. Some women enjoy using playful banter, teasing, and innuendos to create a sense of anticipation and build sexual tension. This can be done in person or through text messages, and can be a great way to spice things up in a relationship.

Planning a Date Night

For some women, initiating sex involves planning a special date night to set the stage for intimacy. This might involve cooking a romantic dinner, setting up a candlelit bath, or planning a surprise outing. By putting effort into creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere, women can show their partners that they are interested in taking their relationship to a more intimate level.

Sending Sexy Photos

In today's digital age, sending sexy photos can be a popular way for women to initiate sex. Whether it's a suggestive selfie or a steamy photo of lingerie, this can be a fun and flirty way to let your partner know that you're thinking about them in a more intimate way.

Initiating Physical Contact

Initiating physical contact is a straightforward and direct way for women to initiate sex. This might involve initiating a make-out session, initiating sexual touching, or simply making the first move in bed. By taking the lead in physical intimacy, women can show their partners that they are ready for a more intimate connection.

Setting the Scene

Creating the right atmosphere can be a key part of initiating sex for many women. This might involve dimming the lights, playing sensual music, or setting up a romantic ambiance. By setting the scene, women can create a sense of anticipation and make it clear that they are in the mood for intimacy.

Initiating a Conversation

For some women, initiating sex involves having an open and honest conversation with their partner about their desires and needs. This might involve discussing fantasies, expressing what they want in bed, or simply letting their partner know that they are interested in being more intimate. By having a candid conversation, women can ensure that both partners are on the same page and ready to take things to the next level.

Using Body Language

Body language can be a powerful way for women to initiate sex without saying a word. This might involve making prolonged eye contact, using suggestive gestures, or simply getting physically close to their partner. By using body language, women can communicate their desire for intimacy in a more subtle and non-verbal way.

Initiating Role Play

Role play can be a fun and creative way for women to initiate sex. This might involve dressing up in a sexy costume, assuming a different persona, or acting out a fantasy scenario. By initiating role play, women can add an element of excitement and novelty to their sexual encounters.


There are countless ways for women to initiate sex, and each person has their own unique approach. Whether it's through verbal cues, physical touch, flirting, or setting the scene, the key is to find what works best for you and your partner. By being open and communicative about your desires, and taking the initiative to create a sense of intimacy, you can ensure that both partners are on the same page and ready for a fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience.